Insurance Work

Let’s face it – with more and more drivers on the road these days, the chances are greater than ever of getting dinged, dented, scratched, bumped and bent in the course of your everyday comings and goings. AZ Street Custom offers viable solutions to all those “boo-boos” through our comprehensive services and expert repairs. Whether you’ve been in a major fender-bender or side-swipe, or if you simply want to repair a half a dozen dings and scratches, let our experts return your vehicle to its original splendor. We accept all insurance companies, and in most cases we save you the deductible. We have the expertise and precision necessary to handle all your dings and dents. We work on all models and can handle any body repair, from simple dents and hail damage to complete restorations. We also offer expert paint matching and all our work is guaranteed.
A note about Insurance work: You have the right to have your car repaired at the shop of "YOUR" choice. That is the law. They cannot tell you where to have your car fixed.
A note about Insurance work: You have the right to have your car repaired at the shop of "YOUR" choice. That is the law. They cannot tell you where to have your car fixed.